Sunday, April 8, 2012

This is the moral of the story.

The past couple days have been pretty rough, in a number of ways.
Mainly the following:

1. Getting dressed.
2. Sleeping.
3. School.
4. Eating meals.
5. Being socially acceptable.

Getting dressed is rough because I have to get out of bed and put clothes on. It's never easy to look presentable when all you want to do is lie under your covers and watch episodes of the Fresh Prince of Bel Air all day.

Sleeping is rough because I haven't really done it much. Okay, that's a lie. I've been pretty careful about prioritizing my sleep over my homework. I'm solidly rested.

School is rough and that one is probably self-explained.

Eating is rough because I seem to be spending my entire paycheck on eating out because I'm too lazy to cook, and also there isn't much time, because if I'm not at school pretending to learn, or at the library pretending to do homework, I'm sleeping.

Being socially acceptable has always been a challenge, but one that I've been willing to face head-on each and every day. Last night was no exception. After arriving at the library around 5pm (a violation of the laws of social acceptability in itself), Ally and I had sort of lost it by about 9am. Just kidding. Pm.

Our chosen location was the computer no shh zone, and as it emptied out progressively throughout the night, we got more and more restless. Our chosen outlet was a series of "roll-abouts" in which we would roll about the room, winding strategically through the chairs and tables, drinking from our nalgenes as we went. 

Another time, we took a walk to fill up our water bottles, doing 360s and tricks off the abandoned benches while proclaiming, "Das tight!" Our use of the phrase knows no bounds. Except for the bound that you can only use it if someone jumps or does a trick.

Later, we bowled with Ally's nalgene. Mainly that means we just rolled it across the floor and on the sidewalk as we walked to my car.

After a series of roll-abouts, we decided it was time to get back to work, so I trapped us in with my computer charger. The library is a prison. But it's our favorite type of prison. So it works, you know?

Finally, after some real hard work, we rewarded ourselves generously with the second half of the Hills Season 2. Another example of a violation of social norms. Das tight.

Here's to the good life.

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